The Babylon Project

This is a list of events that occurred in 2210s:


  • Birth of William Dexter.[1]
  • Delenn becomes friends with another little girl named Mayan.[2]
  • One day Delenn as comes outside to go to temple, and her father says, "I'm sorry Delenn, but you are too big now for me to carry you." She realises then that her father would never again carry her in his arms. Feeling such loss, Delenn knew for the first time that she would one day lose him; looking into her father's eyes, she saw that he was thinking the same thing. At that moment, Delenn didn't think she could love him more.[3]
  • University of Chicago Press publish G. Matthieson's, "The Alien Within, the Alien Without: Rethinking the MRA." In Comprehensive Modern History: An Anthology. Teller, Brahe, and Asanji, eds.[4]



  • A young Narn abandons his temporary name and adopts the name G'Kar, taking it from his chosen faith of G'Quan.[7]




Monday, May 3rd, 2218
Sunday, June 27th, 2218


  1. And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding Place - he is 50 years old in 2260
  2. Across Time and Space: The Chronologies of Babylon 5 - Cites: Conjecture, from The War Prayer.
  3. Across Time and Space: The Chronologies of Babylon 5 - Cites: Conjecture, from Grey 17 is Missing.
  4. Dark Genesis - The Birth of the Psi Corps
  5. No Compromises - The war ended 50 years prior to 2262
  6. No Compromises
  7. No Compromises - G'Kar was 10 when he chose his name.
  8. To Dream in the City of Sorrows - Establishes he is three years older than Sinclair.
  9. Across Time and Space: The Chronologies of Babylon 5 - Cites: Data from JMS. Lochley is two years younger than Sheridan.
  10. Across Time and Space: The Chronologies of Babylon 5 - Cites: Conjecture, from Knives and Objects at Rest. Assumes Londo was 16 when he joined the Couro Prido.
  11. By Any Means Necessary - (In 2258, Eduardo had been a dock worker for 40 years.)
  12. And the Sky Full of Stars
  13. The Gathering
