The Babylon Project

The social order of the Centauri Republic has a long cultural tradition of hereditary privilege in the form of Noble Houses; powerful extended families that control land, property and often most importantly, information. The most powerful of these make-up the Centaurum.

House Arlineas

Known Members

House Cotto

Once a relatively minor player among the Great Houses, House Cotto would eventually rise to power, rather surprisingly from Vir Cotto's close association with Londo Mollari.

Known Members

House Davo

House Davo's position in the royal court had been purchased from House Miro.[2]

House Dei

In 2262 House Dei was a fallen house, bereft of power and money.[2]

Known Members

House Drusella

During the Second Centauri Occupation of Narn, Lord Drusella was put in charge of the genetic cleansing programs devised by Lord Refa. [3][4]

Known Members

House Jaddo

House Jaddo was a respected Centauri house and a long time ally of House Mollari. By 2259, the house had begun to make many enemies in political circles particularly that of Lord Refa and his supporters, due to its apparently anti-expansionist standpoint. Soon Refa arranged for a resolution to be brought before the Centaurum declaring it to be traitorous. Its leader Urza Jaddo was forced to seek help from House Mollari but unfortunately it was allied with Refa. Urza challenged Londo Mollari to the Murago in order to save the honor of the house. Sacrificing himself Urza made it possible for House Jaddo to come under the protection of House Mollari. [5]

Known Members

House Kiro

An ancient and distinguished house that fell into disfavour after it was held responsible for the loss of The Eye at the Battle of Nu'Shok.[6]

Known Members

House Milifa

In 2275 House Milifa was one of the most powerful and influential houses in all the Centaurum.[1]

Known Members

House Miro

House Miro was a noble family with an old blood. However, by 2262 it had little in the way of money and their their position in the royal court had been sold to House Davo years before.[2]

Known Members

House Mollari

Both Emperors Mollari I and Londo Mollari belonged to it.[7] In 2259 House Jaddo and it's surviving members were made a part of House Mollari.[8]

Known Members

The following were adopted from House Jaddo in 2259, under the laws of the Morago: -

House Refa

It was headed by Lord Antono Refa and was one of the most prestigious and powerful. They fell into disgrace after the death of Antono Refa on the Narn homeworld and the revelation of his role in the assassination of Prime Minister Malachi.

Many years later, Antono's daughter, Senna married Emperor Vir Cotto.[8]

Known Members

House Tavari

House Tavari are an armaments manufacturing House and own facilities at the Hevaria Orbital Shipyards at Tolonius VII. They are responsible for the manufacture of Primus class battle cruisers, Vorchan class attack cruisers and Sentri class fighters.[9]

House Tikane

Known Members

House Xarmov

House Tavari Transports are a commercial ship manufacturing House and own facilities at the Hevaria Orbital Shipyards at Tolonius VII. They are responsible for the manufacture of Centauri Atmospheric Shuttles.[9]

House Yson

Known Members

