The Babylon Project

The EAS Alexander was an Earth Alliance Omega class destroyer which was under the command of General William Hague at the start of the Earth Alliance Civil War.

When President Morgan Clark ordered martial law across the Earth Alliance, Hague attempted a coup. When that failed, forces loyal to Hague joined up with him and headed to the Jumpgate at Io. Vessels loyal to Clark opened fire on Hague's ships opened fire but the Alexander and other ships were able to jump out of the solar system. The other ships were soon destroyed by Clark loyal forces.

Hague was killed returning from a meeting with authorities on Orion 7. Major Ed Ryan took command, and proceeded to Babylon 5. Once at Babylon 5, he asked for sanctuary, which John Sheridan was willing to give.

The EAS Churchill arrived at the station as well. The captain of that vessel, Sandra Hiroshi, informed both Sheridan and Ryan that Clark had ordered the bombing of Mars for refusal to implement martial law. Forces loyal to Clark arrived at the station and an attack soon ensued.

The Alexander was heavily damaged, but the Churchill and the Clark-loyal vessels were destroyed.
