The Babylon Project

"When he took me in after my father died, I spent most of my life being afraid of him because he was tall and powerful, and that voice..."

Galen speaking to Alwyn of Elric, 2267

Elric was a techno-mage and Galen's teacher.


In 2227 Elric established his place of power in the village of Lok, on the planet Soom.[2]

In 2237 Elric is assigned by The Circle to monitor the growth and development of Galen, the very young child to two techno-mages.[3][4] When a young Galen's parents died, Elric adopted Galen and began mentoring him as an apprentice. [5]

Elric traveled to Babylon 5 in 2259 along with other techno-mages on their way into hiding near the Rim before the outbreak of the Shadow War. There he met and talked with Captain John Sheridan about who and what they are. He was approached repeatedly by Centauri Ambassador Londo Mollari, who was hoping for an endorsement to advance his own prestige. Angered when Mollari attempts to set up a false photo op, he places a series of spells on Mollari that cause him several hours of annoying problems related to his finances, files, and his quarters in general. After Mollari apologies, Elric withdraws the spells and warns Mollari that he is touched by darkness. He also gives Londo a prophecy:

"When I look at you, Ambassador, I see a great hand, reaching out of a star. The hand is your hand, and all around I hear millions of voices crying your name...your victims."
– Elric, to Londo [6]

Elric lived for nearly two years at the hiding place of the Techno-mages, until he was killed while preventing another mage from escaping to serve the Shadows.[7]

