The Babylon Project

Lenonn was a descendant of Valen and held the title of Entil'zha in 2243. He was killed during the Earth-Minbari War.



Lenonn requested more support for the Anla'Shok from the Warrior Caste. This request was denied. The Warrior Caste's messenger, Calir, made it clear that the caste-elders felt that the Rangers were an unnecessary burden. Believing in the prophecies of Valen, Lennon felt that the time had come when the Rangers were the most needed, so he requested to take his case before the Grey Council.

After Lenonn's audience with the Grey Council, it was decided that the council would visit Z'ha'dum to see if the Shadows had begun moving, as prophesied. This expedition would lead to the disastrous first contact between the Minbari and the Humans.


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