“"In my life I had four wives. I cared for them all deeply. But I loved Centauri Prime. Everything I did, I did for her."
- – Emperor Londo Mollari, 2278.
Londo Mollari was the Centauri delegation liaison to Earth in 2243, ambassador to Babylon 5 from 2256 to 2262, Prime Minister of the Centauri Republic from 2261 to 2262, and Emperor of the Centauri Republic from 2262 to 2278 (Earth calendar).
Mollari is a stout patriot, willing to do anything for his homeworld, and like most Centauri of his generation he pines for the glory days of the Centauri Republic. Mollari is ambitious, loud and opinionated, and has a weakness for women, drink and gambling. He also has a weakness for power, and will do almost anything to gain more, so he can help the Centauri Republic become the "Lion of the Galaxy" once again. Although seen as proud, forceful and arrogant in public, he allows his softer side to be seen by a few in private, his love for Adira Tyree and his concern for the development of Vir Cotto being the most obvious examples of this.
Early Life[]
When Mollari was twelve, just after passing his first exams to enter the military academy, his father took him on his first zoolow fishing expedition to teach him to hunt like a man. The young Mollari was disappointed as he had hoped to have had the opportunity to hunt a small leati with his bare hands. The hunt did not go well, and the captain of the fishing vessel was severely injured. Mollari would later posit this incident had been why he had not spoken much with his father in subsequent years.[2]
As a young man Mollari was a member of the prestigious fighting school, along with his close childhood friend Urza Jaddo. House Mollari and House Jaddo had been allies since the early days of the Republic. Mollari became an accomplished swordsman with the Coutari, becoming part of the Couro Prido duelling society. He earned the nickname "Paso Leati" from his comrades, as they claim he fought "like a crazed leati."[3]
He was also an accomplished fighter pilot, personally leading a raid on the planet Frallis XII.[4]
During his youth, Mollari impulsively married a beautiful dancer of low station. He was later pressured into divorcing her by his family. Mollari eventually came to have three wives through arranged marriages, namely Timov, Daggair, and Mariel.[5][6][7]
Early Diplomatic Duties[]
Despite Mollari's lifelong wish to achieve glory for himself and his people, he found in his later years that his political career like the Centauri Republic was going downward. By the Earth year 2243, he had become the Centauri liaison to the Earth Alliance only because no one else on his homeworld wanted to do it, considering the Humans as little more than a joke. It was during this year that Mollari was called to a private meeting with General Robert Lefcourt and a presidential aide. The meeting was called to request Centauri intelligence on a race then unknown to Humans, the Minbari. Mollari attempted to warn the men off from their intended expedition to Minbari space, pointing out the Minbari's isolationist nature and the fact that even at the height of the Centauri Republic, they never opposed the Minbari. Mollari gave them the warning that "If you do not bother them, they will not bother you." His warnings fell on deaf ears. At the end of the meeting, Mollari reluctantly agreed to get the information he was asked for.
During the Earth-Minbari War, Mollari was asked by Hastur to provide advanced weapons to Earthforce in order to combat the Minbari. Mollari refused for fear that the Minbari would declare the Centauri enemies of the Minbari Federation for helping the Humans. Afterward, Mollari learned that the Narn had agreed to sell weapons to the Humans and that G'Kar, one of their leading diplomats, was hoping to implicate the Centauri Republic in the endeavour. Mollari contacted Sonovar, his agent on Minbar, and informed him of the Narn's deal, making sure the Centauri would not be accused of assisting the Humans. Later he received orders to prevent the Narns from using the war to establish closer ties with the Humans. Using his influence over the Narn official G'Mak, he found out where the meeting would take place and ordered an attack on a Human/Narn meeting, hoping to sabotage any alliance between Humans and Narns. The meeting was secretly an attempt by Lenonn to open a dialog between Minbari and Humans and put an end to the war. Lenonn was killed in the attack, and the hope of a quick end to the war died with him. Later in life, Mollari would blame himself for the blood of those killed in the Earth-Minbari War after this point.[8][9]
Faded Glory[]
Mollari was appointed to Babylon 5 in 2256 as the station went online. He initially thought this an "honor" but was quickly told that no one else wanted the position and as his earlier position as diplomat to Earth, it was considered little more than a joke. Emperor Turhan also chose him.[10]
Like many Centauri, Mollari had the "gift" of foreseeing his own death in a dream. In his dream, he was an old man and being strangled to death, while he in turn was strangling his attacker. As soon as Mollari first met G'Kar, who now was Ambassador of the Narn on the station, he knew instantly he was the one from the dream. The dream became clearer as he grew older.[11] Soon after his appointment he and G'Kar entered a furious rivalry, particularly when the latter blackmailed Mollari, using evidence of his grandfather's criminal activities during the first Centauri occupation of Narn, into voting for G'Kar's resolution to send Commander Jeffrey Sinclair to the Vorlon Homeworld to stand trial for the assassination attempt on Ambassador Kosh. Later at a bar, a guilt-stricken Mollari privately admitted to security chief Michael Garibaldi to how G'Kar had blackmailed him. However, Kosh survived and Sinclair was exonerated.

"We should have wiped out your kind when we had the chance!"
Early in 2258, Mollari was assigned a diplomatic attache, Vir Cotto. On the same day, the Centauri agricultural colony of Ragesh III was attacked and taken over by a Narn sneak attack. Enraged when he discovered it was the Narn, Mollari confronted and physically attacked G'Kar in the Zocalo, requiring station security to pull them apart. Mollari apologized to Commander Jeffrey Sinclair, explaining that he arranged for his nephew, Carn Mollari, to be the head researcher at Ragesh 3 to keep him safe--and now he may be dead. Mollari vowed that if Carn was dead, there would be war with the Narn if it was the last thing he ever did.[11]
Rather than risk a confrontation over such a small colony, the Centauri Republic decided not to respond militarily to the Narn attack. Mollari tried to embarrass his government into acting by getting other races to interfere, but G'kar was able to convince the council that help was not requested. Carn Mollari was forced to read a statement that the colony requested the Narn to come. Mollari retrieved a firearm from his quarters and headed out to murder G'Kar. However, a brush-up with Talia Winters, a telepath, alerted her to his plan and she told Garibaldi who stopped Mollari. Later, when the station crew uncovered a plot involving the Narn Regime backing local Raiders, they were able to use this as leverage and force the Narn to withdraw from Ragesh III.[11]

Mollari and Adira Tyree
In this early stage of his assignment, Mollari spent most of his time drinking and gambling at either the casino or one of the more seedy bars or clubs on the station. He consistently put off negotiations for the Euphrates Treaty with the Narn because of these vices (at one point he even expected Cotto to negotiate in his stead). In his own words, he was nothing more than a "washed-up old Republican dreaming of better days." He met a Centauri exotic dancer named Adira Tyree whom he instantly became enamored with. Tyree was actually a slave owned by a Golian criminal named Trakis, who used her to steal Mollari's Purple files, top secret information Trakis hoped to sell to the highest bidder. Unfortunately for him, Tyree genuinely fell for Mollari, which put her life in danger. Mollari appealed to Commander Sinclair to help rescue her, which Sinclair did on the condition that Mollari agree to his compromise in the Euphrates negotiations. The pair managed to recover the files and save Tyree. Mollari gained her freedom and gave her a symbol of his House, which he told her to wear proudly as a free woman. Tyree left the station, promising to come back to him one day.[12]

"In purple, I am stunning!"
When the station threw a week-long series of festivities to demonstrate the different beliefs of species on the station, Mollari hosted a large feast for all of the major diplomats and station senior staff (although G'Kar may not have been invited). Mollari had a great deal to drink and passed out (or as Cotto put it, he became "one with his inner self").[13]
During a string of vicious anti-alien attacks on the station, a pair of young Centauri nobles arrived, one of whom was Cotto's cousin. Their names were Aria Tensus and Kiron Maray, both arranged to be married--Aria to a man old enough to be her grandfather and Kiron to a very ugly woman. They had run away from Centauri Prime because they were in love and wished to marry each other, quite the scandal for the Centauri. Mollari assured their families he would send them back soon, and insisted they "grow up" and accept the sacrifices for their family and society. Cotto stood up for the couple, but Mollari remained firm, explaining his own "sacrifices," namely his three wives whom he nicknamed "Famine", "Pestilence", and "Death".[14]

"My shoes are too tight, and I have forgotten how to dance."
- "Something my father said. He was old, very old at the time. I went into his room, and he was sitting alone in the dark, crying. So I asked him what was wrong, and he said, "My shoes are too tight, but it doesn't matter, because I have forgotten how to dance." I never understood what that meant until now. My shoes are too tight, and I have forgotten how to dance."
- – Mollari, to Cotto
However, Kiron was soon attacked and seriously injured by one of the anti-alien assaults. As he was being treated in MedLab with Aria at his side, Mollari checked on them. In the process, he met Shaal Mayan, a Minbari poet, who asked Mollari why he was so resistant to the idea of love and confronted him on his own sacrifice, having chosen to live without it. Mollari went to reflect on her words in the Zen Garden, where Cotto again confronted him. This time, however, Mollari admitted that he had gone a long time without remembering what it meant to be in love. When Kiron recovered, Mollari informed them he had arranged for them to be taken in by his second cousin, Andilo Mollari, under an old tradition known as "fosterage." Mollari explained that their families would not object, as Andilo was quite powerful and respected. After living with him for a few years, Mollari explained, Andilo would give them permission to marry whomever they chose--even if it was each other.[14]
When the war criminal Jha'dur, known as Deathwalker, was discovered aboard the station, the League of Non-Aligned Worlds demanded she be held for trial. A vote was called for the Security Council and the League, but Mollari was instructed to vote against holding her for trial (to conceal the depth of Centauri involvement with Jha'dur and the Dilgar).[15]
When Shon, the son of Tharg and M'Ola of the Onteen, required a life-saving medical procedure, the parents refused, but Dr. Stephen Franklin announced he would go through with it anyway. Tharg and M'Ola pled their case to each of the ambassadors on the station, including Mollari. Mollari offered the help of the Centauri--but only for a fee, and the couple had no means of paying.[16]

Mollari, with Mr. Garibaldi, in the casino
In the days preceding the arrival of Earth Alliance President Luis Santiago, a bomb exploded in one of the docking bays. When Michael Garibaldi was framed for the bombing, he went on the run. He encountered Mollari in the casino and asked if he was involved in the frame-up. Mollari declared his innocence. He sent Garibaldi to G'Kar and gave him a pouch of money, stating he felt they were alike, both being "the odd man out."[17]
Aware of how dangerous a Na'ka'leen Feeder was, Mollari was terrified when Commander Sinclair alerted him one might be on the station. Mollari contacted the Republic, furious that a quarantine of the creatures had apparently been lifted for budget reasons, and insisted it be reinstated. While the creature was on the station, he barricaded himself inside his quarters, not wishing to see anyone. Cotto still welcomed inside Aldous Gajic, a man seeking the Holy Grail. Mollari told Gajic it would cost a substantial sum of money for the Centauri to go over their records, but Cotto had already done so and given Gajic the data free of charge (much to Mollari's chagrin).[18]

"How important is your religious ceremony to you?"
Soon afterwards, during the Days of G'Quan, an accident in the docking bays destroyed a Narn transport carrying a G'Quan Eth plant ordered by G'Kar to be used in a Narn religious ceremony. Its destruction provided an opportunity for Mollari to torment G'Kar, as Mollari was in possession of one of the plants and no other one could get to the station before the required time. After mocking G'Kar's beliefs, Mollari first offered to sell it to him for 50,000 commercial credits. Although outraged, G'Kar managed to get the money and offered it to Mollari--only to have Mollari flatly refuse to sell it for any price. Mollari stated this was his revenge for his nephew Carn and what happened on Ragesh III. G'Kar asked Sinclair to speak with Mollari about handing over the plant, but Mollari again refused, saying he'd rather burn the plant than ever turn it over to G'Kar. As a result, G'Kar arranged for a statue of a Centauri god to be stolen from their temple, outraging Mollari. Sinclair forced the two of them to have a sitdown, insisting that G'Kar return the statue--and telling Mollari he was confiscating the plant as contraband. Mollari did not resist, as the timing for the ceremony had passed and he had gotten his amusement from the plant.[19]
A mysterious man named Mr. Morden arrived on the station and asked Mollari, "What do you want?" His answer of seeing the Centauri Republic to its former glory is an adequate answer for Morden and his "associates."[20]

"I want...I want it all back the way that it was!"
- "You really want to know what I want? You really want to know the truth, yes? I want my people to reclaim their rightful place in the galaxy. I want to see the Centauri stretch forth their hand again, and command the stars. I want a rebirth of glory, a renaissance of power. I want to stop running through my life like a man late for an appointment...afraid to look back, or to look forward. I want us to be what we used to be! I want...I want it all back the way that it was!"
- – Mollari, replying to Morden's question
Morden's timing coincided with Mollari's part in recovering the Eye, a precious jewel worth enough to purchase a small planet, which was a symbol of the Centauri Republic and had been missing for over one hundred years. Mollari completed the transaction with the one who found it, and was entrusted to turn it over to Lord Kiro, who would deliver it to the Emperor. Kiro came to the station and spoke to Mollari about claiming the Eye and the throne, but Mollari warned him he would be dead within a day of trying without support. Kiro was kidnapped and the Eye was stolen by Raiders in a daring attack on the station. Mollari ensured the safety of Kiro's aunt during the attack. With Kiro's disappearance (and death), Mollari was convinced he would be blamed for losing the Eye, which would end his career. Luckily, Morden arrived at his quarters to hand-deliver the Eye, promising he would return soon.[20]
When it came to negotiations with the Minbari, Mollari found Delenn a far more agreeable and reasonable diplomat. He agreed to her offer regarding trading routes in Sector 119. Delenn suggested that G'Kar was not so much unreasonable as angry, and that anger must burn out in time. Mollari stated he believed the cycle of hatred between the Centauri and the Narn could not be broken. After the negotiations, Mollari tried to cheer up Michael Garibaldi, who was depressed over riots that had broken out on Mars. Mollari succeeded slightly, telling Garibaldi a story about a stripper he once married--the day he met her. He then witnessed an image of Varn appearing to him. When Sinclair and Ivanova returned from an expedition to the planet below, Mollari confronted both of them, insisting the Republic be given a share of whatever they found.[5]

"Who says the good old days are gone, eh?"
Mollari also met Draal, an old teacher of Delenn's, when he came to the station. Mollari (somewhat uncharacteristically) invited Delenn and Draal to join him for some hot jala, diverting from his research on the human race (specifically, Mollari had been obsessing over the words to the song "Hokey Pokey," apparently off and on for seven days). When he learned that Varn had appeared to Delenn and Draal, he learned that the alien was the guardian of the Great Machine on Epsilon 3, the planet below the station. Mollari offered to help Delenn and Draal take Varn back to the planet by use of his personal shuttle. He explained that he understood that one of the three of them would need to take Varn's place in the heart of the machine. Mollari successfully evaded the planetary defenses. Draal took Varn's place and Mollari returned to the station with Delenn.[4]
When Centauri Minister Milo Virini encouraged Mollari to try and foster better relations with other races, Mollari turned to Ambassador Delenn's young aide, Lennier. Mollari took Lennier to a bar and strip club, narrowly averting giving Lennier some alcohol (which apparently causes psychotic rages in Minbari). Mollari was quickly bored with Lennier's stories about his education, until Lennier mentioned he was well schooled in probability. Mollari took him to another bar to introduce him to poker. While his probability skills made Lennier a natural at the game, the subtleties of the game (including "bluffing") were lost on him. Mollari was discovered cheating, prompting a fight to erupt in which both Mollari and Lennier were injured. Commander Sinclair confronted them afterwards, awaiting an explanation as to how they got involved with a brawl. Lennier accepted total blame for what happened, but both were covered by diplomatic immunity. After Sinclair left, Mollari asked Lennier why he would lie for him. Lennier explained that among his people, helping another save face was considered very honorable. Mollari developed a deep respect for Lennier that only grew over time.[21]
The Wind Changes[]
- "There comes a time when you look into the mirror and what you see is all you will ever see. And you accept it, or your kill yourself. Or you stop looking in mirrors."
- – Mollari

"Keep this up, G'Kar, and soon you won't have a planet to protect!"
Over the year, tension continued to build between the Centauri Republic and the Narn regime. When the Narn made advances to take all of Quadrant 37 at the close of 2258 (stating they no longer recognized the treaty they signed "under duress" regarding the system), the Republic once again decided to withdraw rather than risk an open confrontation. Mollari bemoaned the state of the Republic, and hated that his sole purpose seemed to be to watch it be whittled away slowly. Before he could relay the Republic's position to the Council, however, Morden reappeared with an offer to help the Centauri. He offered to give Mollari great prestige and glory, but Mollari was unconvinced, saying he believed that he would never be more than he currently was. To prove otherwise, Morden told Mollari to simply tell his government that he [Mollari] would personally take care of the situation in Quadrant 37. Mollari was skeptical that Morden's "associates" could do what they claimed. Nevertheless, he ordered Cotto to convey the message (Cotto's initial reaction was shock, and the belief Mollari was drunk).

"You had a problem with Quadrant 37, we took care of it for you."
The effect was that an entire Narn outpost in Quadrant 37 was completely destroyed, which confused the Narn as to how it could have happened so quickly--and who the culprits could be. They were forced to abandon their claims to the system. Mollari was initially dismayed to think Morden's "associates" had simply wiped out 10,000 Narns in cold blood, but Morden blunted this dismay by pointing out how popular Mollari had just become--he had spared the Republic another embarrassing defeat and dealt a mighty blow against the Narn regime. He had become a hero among the highest levels and Noble Houses of the Republic, including the Royal Court. Mollari stayed silent about the attack, with only Cotto knowing the details of how it happened.[22]
Rising Star[]
With G'Kar having left the station following the attack on Quadrant 37 and Ambassador Delenn in a cocoon, most of the business of the Babylon 5 Security Council was delayed. Mollari angrily moved that both the Minbari and Narn delegations be reprimanded and new ambassadors be sent immediately. The motion failed to be seconded.[23]
Mollari grew anxious over the attack in Quadrant 37 over the next month or two. He worried that he would somehow be connected to it, despite Morden's assurances otherwise. Morden told Mollari his friends could do the same thing elsewhere, and all they asked in return (at the moment) was to be informed if they heard about any activity out near the Rim. Mollari laughed when Morden told him to "just pick a target," suggesting they wipe out the entire Narn homeworld. Morden coolly replied, "One step at a time." G'Kar returned from the Rim in early 2259, bringing with him a warning that an ancient enemy of darkness had returned. He announced that a Narn expedition was sent out to the Rim to a planet called Z'ha'dum. After hearing this Mollari tipped off Morden. The expedition was destroyed as it exited hyperspace.[23]
Mollari became close allies with Lord Antono Refa, a shrewd and ambitious Centauri noble from a powerful family with great influence in the Republic. Refa was intrigued with Mollari's solution to the Quadrant 37 problem, and hoped to use him to further his own goals.[24]

"I think we have a great deal of work ahead of us."
In 2259 many techno-mages stopped at Babylon 5 on their way to the Rim. Mollari was desperate to get an audience with one of them, to increase his standing back home (since the first emperor had received the endorsement of a techno-mage). He sent Cotto to secure a meeting, but none of the mages were interested in anything Mollari had to offer. He then tried to trick one of them into taking a photo with him, but the techno-mage Elric was not fooled. He angrily "put a spell" on Mollari, which caused a number of problems concerning his personal files, finances, and quarters (including causing him to buy 500,000 shares in "Fireflies Inc." as well as shares of a spoo ranch, and to have the speakers in his room play Narn opera very loudly). Mollari apologized, and the spell was withdrawn. Elric warned Mollari that he was "touched by darkness," but he knew Mollari would not heed his warnings. He also told him he saw a vision of "a great hand, reaching out of the stars," and with it millions of voices crying out Mollari's name. However, they were not his followers but his victims.[24]
When a strange creature came on board Babylon 5 via an ancient Earth cryonic ship, many of the races were uneasy, recalling legends from their own worlds about an ancient enemy and its agents. Mollari was dismissive of such claims, stating simply that if there was some monster on board, it should simply be found and killed. The station succeeded in doing exactly that.[25]

Mollari, his wives, and G'Kar at Mollari's Party
Mollari's prestige and influence continued to grow. As the anniversary of his Day of Ascension drew near, he was granted an audience with the Emperor and offered any one wish the Emperor could grant. Mollari's request was a divorce from his three wives. The Emperor said he would grant the request, but asked that Mollari keep one of the three for state occasions. Mollari invited his three wives to come to Babylon 5 for the party he was throwing for his anniversary--and to give them the news personally. While Daggair and Mariel kept trying to convince Mollari to keep them (which resulted in a ménage à trois), Timov made no such pretenses of affections. At the party, an old Centauri artifact given as a gift by his wife Mariel turned out to be booby-trapped, poisoning Mollari and leaving him critically injured. He was saved when Timov volunteered to a blood transfusion, but she made Dr. Stephen Franklin swear Mollari must never find out it was her. He made a full recovery thanks to her aid. Mollari chose to keep Timov even without knowing she had saved him, telling her that with her he would "always know where he stood." He also agreed to a modest alimony to the other wives (although significantly less than they were accustomed to, and without a title to go along with it).[7]
The Die is Cast[]
In June 2259 the Centauri Emperor Turhan arranged to come to Babylon 5 to issue a formal statement. Lord Refa arrived a day before the Emperor, explaining to Mollari what their allies had been plotting. They wanted Mollari to make a public statement to the Emperor regarding the weaknesses of the Empire--weaknesses they intended to make apparent in the coming months, increasing their own position and prestige. Mollari pointed out that this would not earn him any favor with the Emperor, but Refa merely responded that the Emperor's failing health meant he would not live much longer. After Refa left, Mollari confided in Cotto his discomfort with the situation.
Refa's plan did not work out as he had hoped, as his words ended up being more prophetic than he could have guessed. Shortly after his arrival on the station, the Emperor suffered a severe heart attack, leaving him very close to death. Other factions began to move quickly, readying themselves to put their own claimants on the throne the moment the Emperor should die. Refa told Mollari that before that happened, their faction must do something "unparalleled." Mollari suggested conquering the Narn colony of Quadrant 14, on the very border of their space. When Refa responded that they could never take the planet without a major assault, Mollari promised to "take care of the situation." Mollari arranged for Morden to set up an attack, knowing full well it would lead to open war. Mollari had his familiar dream about his death--but now he dreamt of other things, including his coronation as emperor, and of the words spoken to him by the techno-mage. He awakened and realized the attack had begun.[26]

- "I understand fine. By this time tomorrow, we will be at war with the Narn. May the Great Maker forgive me."
- – Mollari, to Cotto
The Narn colony's defenses were annihilated by the Shadows, without any word getting out as to the attackers. Refa had a Centauri expeditionary fleet seize the planet, leading the Narn (and everyone else) to believe the Centauri had conducted the entire attack. Meanwhile, unbeknown to Mollari, Refa arranged to have Prime Minister Malachi murdered on Centauri Prime, with his death made to look like suicide. Mollari had considered Malachi a friend. Before word of the attack reached the station, G'Kar tracked down Mollari and insisted on having a drink with him. Bewildered (and now grief-stricken) as G'Kar toasted to his health and the health of the Emperor, Mollari accepted the drink and said nothing about the assault.

Mollari's Dream of a "great hand, reaching out of a star."
At the subsequent session of the Babylon 5 General Assembly, Captain John Sheridan told Mollari that Earthforce intended to send observers to assess the situation of the Narn civilians in Quadrant 14. Mollari said he would arrange for the Republic to allow the civilians to leave the planet unharmed (thus preventing any Earthforce personnel from assessing how the colony was captured so quickly). Immediately following this news, Ambassador G'Kar informed the Assembly that the Narn regime had officially declared war against the Centauri. Mollari and Refa went to the Emperor's side as he died. His last words were that both Mollari and Refa were damned, but since Mollari was the only one who heard it he lied and said that Turhan's wish was to continue the work they were doing. Refa informed Mollari that their allies had successfully managed to get the Emperor's nephew Cartagia installed as the new emperor. Cotto expressed surprise that Mollari did not ask Refa for a position in the Royal Court (paving the way for his own potential ascent one day), but Mollari stated he had no interest in becoming emperor (secretly still fearing his prophetic dream), but preferred to work behind the scenes.[26]
A Different Reflection[]
- "I have a destiny to fulfill, one that will lead our people back to a golden age. We are Centauri... We are meant to conquer, to rule, to build empires."
- – Mollari, to Urza Jaddo

"I wanted respect. Instead I have become a wishing well with legs."
With his position suddenly so much more prominent, Mollari soon found a long line of Centauri aristocrats and businessmen coming to him looking for favors. Even as the Centauri groveled for his friendship, many of the other people on the station became icy towards him. Mollari ran into Michael Garibaldi and appealed to him to not turn his back on him, citing that back when he was little more than a joke, Garibaldi was already friendly and open to him. Garibaldi said he would come back after his shift if he could. Mollari waited in the casino until closing time, but Garibaldi did not make it, as he was busy investigating the murder of a Centauri citizen. When a Narn turned out to be the murderer, Garibaldi and Sheridan called Mollari, hoping he would keep the situation quiet. Mollari agreed, stating that he knew the dead Centauri to be a trouble- maker and that he understood it was the Centauri's own fault for what happened. He asked only that the killer be deported, with his effects seized and auctioned, with the proceeds going to the Centauri war effort. Afterwards, Garibaldi met Mollari for a drink.[27]

"Insanity is part of the times! You must learn to embrace the madness, let it fire you!"
Refa's associates began to purge the government of people that would be hard to control as they stacked the Centaurum with people sympathetic to their beliefs. Mollari's old friend, Urza Jaddo, came to Babylon 5 to tell Mollari that a resolution would soon come up in the Centaurum accusing him and his family of treason. Urza hoped to unite his house with Mollari's to defeat the resolution, and Mollari promised to do all that he could. He contacted Lord Refa immediately to tell him to have the resolution halted, but Refa said he did not think he could stop it. Mollari then met Urza at a lavish party filled with many Centauri nobles, many of whom would never have associated with Mollari in past times. Urza was dismayed to learn that Mollari had become close to Lord Refa--the very man who entered the resolution against his family. Urza explained that he had become disillusioned with conquest, and asked Mollari why he went on the course he had. Mollari replied that he had a destiny to fulfill, and he must see it carried out.

Mollari, having just slain his old friend, Urza
Urza promptly challenged Mollari to the Morago, a duel to the death, and Mollari knew that to refuse would bring humiliation and shame upon his House. Cotto tried to dissuade Mollari, but he stubbornly insisted that death was preferable to dishonor at this stage. Under the rules of the Morago, the losing party's family were taken in by the winner's. Once the fight began, Urza allowed Mollari to kill him, knowing it was the only way to spare his family from the charge of treason. House Jaddo was absorbed into House Mollari. For the first in a long time, Mollari began to realize the depth of what he has done. Cotto told him he could still turn things around, but Mollari replied that it was too late for him now.[3]

"The Centauri Republic will not stand for such insults!"
As Mollari's importance continued to grow, the Republic sent word to Cotto that he would be replaced. Cotto was despondent, and for the first time he went to the bar to drink. Mollari found him and learned that Cotto's family had always considered him a joke--they considered his appointment one when he first got it, but now that it was becoming an important position, he was being withdrawn. Mollari contacted the Republic and insisted that he could not carry out his duties without Cotto as his assistant, securing his place. Mollari also contacted Cotto's family, telling them of his importance--and inviting them to come visit for a month, much to Cotto's shock.[28]
In an effort to raise money, Babylon 5 briefly started up a merchandise shop, complete with dolls and figures of the various ambassadors. Mollari was outraged over the doll made in his likeness, stating it was a mockery and insult to the Republic. His major problem with the doll was its lack of "attributes." The Centauri dolls were pulled and the whole shop was shut down soon thereafter.[28]
Power and Glory[]

"We are Centauri! If we are to seize our destiny, we must do it ourselves!"
Towards the end of 2259, Refa recalled Mollari to the Imperial Palace to share his plans for ending the war sooner than anyone thought possible. Refa had learned that the Narn were planning a massive assault on Gorash 7, a critical supply world, the loss of which would completely disrupt the Centauri offense. Instead of meeting the fleet there, the Centauri would take their fleet straight to the Narn homeworld and destroy the surface of the planet with mass drivers. Refa explained the only thing they needed was for Mollari to have his allies destroy the Narn fleet at Gorash 7. Mollari objected to the plan--he had been growing worried over his "allies," especially given their sheer strength. He also pointed out that the Republic had signed treaties outlawing the use of mass drivers. Refa rebuked Mollari, telling him that they were only in the war because of Mollari, and the time had passed for doubts. To end the war quickly and save Centauri lives, Mollari agreed to contact Morden and do what Refa asked, but insisted it would be the last time.

Mollari witnesses the bombardment of the Narn homeworld
After making the arrangements with Morden (which resulted in a total loss of the Narn fleet), Mollari was invited by Refa to come with him on the largest Centauri battle cruiser that would be leading the attack on Narn. Mollari reluctantly went along, knowing he could not refuse, and watched in quiet horror as the fleet bombarded the Narn homeworld for days on end, completely shattering the Narn infrastructure and reducing most of the cities to rubble.

The Centauri now speak for Narn
When the Narn regime finally issued a total and unconditional surrender, Mollari returned to Babylon 5 to announce the surrender and the terms the Republic was imposing to the Babylon 5 General Assembly. In addition to the other terms, Ambassador G'Kar was stripped of his rank and ordered to return to Narn. G'Kar, however, appealed for sanctuary on Babylon 5, which Captain Sheridan granted and the Minbari supported. Mollari acknowledged he must accept this, but insisted G'Kar be removed from the chambers.[29]
While quietly questioning such moves, Mollari zealously defended the actions of the Republic following the war when they aggressively raided neighboring states, including space belonging to the Drazi and the pak'ma'ra. Captain Sheridan confronted Mollari, but Mollari insisted their actions were justified.

Mollari, vigorously announcing the intentions of the Republic to expand
A Narn heavy cruiser that survived the war secretly came to Babylon 5 seeking aid. Mollari was tipped off about it and relayed the information to the Republic, which dispatched a battle cruiser to take custody of the cruiser. Sheridan refused to turn over the ship, resulting in a firefight. The Narn cruiser escaped and the Centauri ship was destroyed. This created an outcry from the Republic, and the Earth Alliance insisted Sheridan issue an apology for what happened. Word arrived that the Earth Alliance would soon be entering a formal Non-Aggression Treaty with the Centauri Republic. Mollari was to be present when Sheridan made the apology, but two Centauri agents placed a bomb on the core shuttle Sheridan was riding, forcing him to jump from the shuttle. Falling rapidly, he was rescued by a "being of light" whom everyone perceived as an angelic being in their own species' likeness--everyone but Mollari, who saw nothing. It is only years later that Mollari, now Emperor, admitted to seeing something in the Garden and describing it as a bright light with a vague shape [30]. Following the treaty signing with Earth, Mollari continued to zealously defend and present the aggression of the Republic before the General Assembly.[31]
Reading the Signs[]

"We've danced our last little dance, Mr. Morden. Now it is time for you to go away."
Mollari, now quite wary of his relationship with Morden and the Shadows (whose identity he was still unaware of), tried to sever all ties between them and the Republic. He had one last meeting with Morden to finalize the terms of this severance, where Morden displayed a map of the galaxy, carving it up so that roughly 15% is welcome to the Centauri--and Morden's associates would take the rest. Morden also stated that a small planet on the border must be given over to his side. He mentioned that he contacted Lord Refa to secure it for them, alarming Mollari that Morden was not going to quietly back off. Mollari asked Morden if one day he could see the ships his associates use, which Morden brushed off.
His reasons for asking about the ships were two: in his prophetic dream about his future, a new scene had been appearing ever since before the Narn-Centauri War. He was standing in a desert on what he believed was Centauri Prime, looking up into the sky and seeing hundreds (perhaps thousands) of Shadow vessels flying overhead. Mollari was surprised when David Endawi from Earthforce Special Intelligence showed him a video clip recovered from a probe in hyperspace that depicted one of the ships from his dream.[32]

Mollari and G'Kar, trapped in a transport tube after a bombing
After returning from a brief trip off station, Mollari was in one of the customs areas when a bomb exploded. He was saved by Lennier in an action that left the Minbari critically injured. The bombing was one in a series, which Mollari quickly blamed on the Narns. He visited Lennier in Medlab, sitting with him for a brief time and talking to him, overwhelmed at the selflessness of Lennier. He stayed for several hours.
The next bombing, however, trapped Mollari in a transport tube with G'Kar. Mollari awoke after being unconscious for two hours to discover they were trapped and that a fire was apparently burning on the outside of the tube. He told G'Kar they had to work together if they were to escape. G'Kar refused, stating he'd rather watch Mollari die. While they suffered from smoke inhalation, they were both rescued before they suffocated.[33]
The Centauri provisional government on Narn sent Na'Far to replace G'Kar as the Narn leader on Babylon 5. Before he could speak with G'Kar, Na'Far had to ask Mollari for permission. Mollari granted it, but only after taunting the Narn a bit about being ground under the Centauri's heel. Afterwards, Cotto asked Mollari why they had to not only be beaten but broken. Mollari explained he did not want the Centauri to have to go through another war in another hundred years, as happened last time.

Mollari asks Delenn for a favor for Cotto
Mollari approached Delenn, mindful of how icy their relationship had become. Still, he requested a favor--that Cotto be allowed to occupy the otherwise empty post at the Centauri Embassy on Minbar. Mollari admitted that he thought it would be far better for Cotto (who he said reminded him of himself at a young age) to be away from him, especially in the days to come. When Delenn suggested that Mollari needed Cotto, Mollari immediately resumed the gruff attitude he had adopted since the Narn-Centauri War, arguing that Cotto was only a hindrance to him. Cotto himself first objected to the assignment, but Mollari insisted he take the position and the prestige that came with it.[34]
Mollari's "extremely overpaid" sources let him know when Lyta Alexander arrives on the station--in a Vorlon transport. Guessing correctly that Lyta had been to the Vorlon homeworld, Mollari found Lyta and offered her a great sum of money to talk with her about it, but she coldly rejected his offer. A hint of tipping off the Psi Corps to her presence did nothing to persuade her, as she merely retaliated with a far worse threat of her own. Later, after Mollari provided the identity of a Centauri telepath the station crew was looking for, he learned that the telepath was violated by some "unknown" telepath. Mollari protested, but the matter quickly died.[35]
Cotto returned after a few weeks to report on the initial phase of his assignment. Mollari was glad to have him back, but chided him after reading the reports Cotto intended to file. He told Cotto that the purpose of these reports had nothing to do with intelligence but everything to do with politics--specifically, to make the Emperor happy. In the midst of this session, a drug-enraged G'Kar stormed in, viciously beating down Cotto and Mollari both. He dragged a severely beaten Mollari away to a run-down corner of the station. G'Kar was under the effects of dust, which allowed him to invade Mollari's thoughts. He taunted Mollari at first, but then discovered how involved Mollari is with the War and the Shadows. Mollari tried to resist him, and G'Kar suffered an overwhelming flash of images, being stopped in his mind probe by a vision of his father. G'Kar turned himself in and pled guilty to an assault charge, resulting in his being consigned to the brig. Mollari and Cotto recovered in Mollari's quarters, with Mollari happy in spite of everything to have Cotto back, however briefly.[10]

"I need you to see for me."
Cotto returned a few weeks later, this time just after the Earth Alliance's declaration of martial law. It also coincided with Mollari's request from the Royal Family for a visit from Lady Morella, the late Emperor Turhan's third wife, a powerful seer and still influential figure. Mollari was uneasy that her arrival would coincide with the chaos brought about by the Earth Alliance's state, but hoped she would be able to provide insight into his future. Lady Morella agreed to give him a reading before the end of her trip, as well as admonishing Mollari that the war with the Narns was never something her husband had wanted. She first wished to see the station, but her tour was cut short when a riot broke out in the Zocalo. Cotto was injured slightly protecting Morella, and she treated him in Mollari's quarters. When she touched Mollari during this, she had a vision of Mollari's future. She later explained it to him (and Cotto), but claimed she would deny it if he disclosed it to anyone. Morella told Mollari that his destiny to become Emperor was unavoidable, but he still had a chance to save himself from damnation. He must "save the eye that does not see," must not "kill the one who is already dead," and if he still failed on those two, he must "surrender to [his] greatest fear, knowing it will destroy [him]." She then told Cotto that he would also be Emperor. When Mollari questioned this, she explained that "one will become emperor after the other is dead." Mollari was understandably now anxious for Cotto to return to Minbar.[36]
When the bulk of the station security was replaced by Narns, Mollari was quite put out. His frustration mounted upon a return to the station where he was delayed in customs because of an ID card reader.[37]

"Only the heir to the throne of the kingdom of idiots fights a war on twelve fronts!"
With Mollari not interested, Refa was more than willing to work with Morden to expand the empire. Mollari discussed the foolishness of Refa's actions, which embroiled the Centauri in engagements or open war on seven fronts. Mollari feared that the Shadows were merely using the Centauri. Refa dismissesd Mollari's fear, citing his own desire to eventually ascend the throne. In an attempt to get him to cooperate, Mollari explained to Refa how he poisoned Refa's drink--a two-part poison, neither part detectable on its own, but more than potent enough to kill Refa whenever Mollari's agent delivered the second half. When Refa asked him why he did this, Mollari replied that sooner or later Refa would have done it to him. Refa had no choice but to carry out Mollari's orders to convince Emperor Cartagia to recall the Centauri forces and commit them to defending the borders.[38]

"THIS will teach you to trifle with the Centauri!"
Cotto's next return to Babylon 5 was preceded by the arrival of Lyndisty, a Centauri woman whose family had arranged with Cotto's to have them married. Mollari welcomed Lyndisty, telling her "the good parts" about her fiance until Cotto arrives. The pair was soon attacked by a Narn in a seemingly random act of violence. However, Susan Ivanova unearthed that while Cotto was on Minbar he was secretly spiriting away Narns (2,000 in total) from their conquered homeworld), falsifying records to read that the Narns had been killed. Mollari was enraged to learn of this, knowing that since he pushed for Cotto to get his position on Minbar, the scandal would impact them both should it be made public. Calling in favors, he managed to bury the information, and in the process Cotto's position on Minbar was withdrawn and he was reassigned to Mollari.[39]
Darkness and Revenge[]
- "All I want now is revenge. They took from me the one thing I have ever truly loved. And you will help me, Mr. Morden, to strike them down. Give me this, and the safety of my people, and let the rest of the galaxy burn! I don't care anymore."
- – Mollari, to Morden

"There is nothing you can do to me that has not already been done."
In mid-2260, Adira Tyree contacted Mollari and told him she was coming back to the station to see him. For the first time in a long time, Mollari actually felt happy--almost giddy--at the thought of being reunited with her. He asked Cotto to arrange a suite for her arrival.
As he waited, Mollari was confronted by Morden, angry that he had managed to sever all his contacts with Lord Refa and everyone else within the Republic. He insisted Mollari get the Republic involved in its previous border wars, but Mollari refused, knowing that Morden and his associates only had their own agenda. Morden suggested it might lead to unfortunate consequences (for both himself personally and the Republic) but Mollari brushed aside his threats and left.

"Gods, Cotto, I feel happy... I'd almost forgotten how it felt."
In retribution, Morden arranged for Tyree to be poisoned just before her ship arrived on Babylon 5. Mollari and Cotto waited for her in the customs area (Mollari with a bouquet of her favorite flowers in hand) only to have her body wheeled off on a gurney. Dr. Lillian Hobbs broke the news that she was found dead in her quarters, devastating Mollari, who asked that she be checked for poison (recalling his last encounter with Refa).

The poison used was of Centauri origin, leading Mollari to believe that Refa was the cause of her death. Embittered, vengeful, and full of rage, Mollari agreed to resume his "partnership" with Morden, planning revenge against Refa and anyone who helped him bring about the death of the one person he ever truly loved: the only thing left to him now was a desire for revenge.[40]

"Everyone around me dies, Mr. Morden, except the ones who most deserve it. That is about to change."
Mollari spent considerable effort in plotting his revenge. As he did so, his House and Refa's became fierce rivals in the Royal Court. The Emperor sent a special envoy saying that he wanted the matter settled. The envoy attempted to act as "referee", mindful that while House Refa masterminded the movement to have the Emperor placed in power, House Mollari had been gaining a great influx of wealth and allies.
Knowing Refa had a telepath in his employ, Mollari tricked Cotto into telling G'Kar that Na'Toth was still alive on Narn. Mollari falsely told Cotto that his plan was to have G'Kar captured and brought before the Emperor, which would curry enough favor with him to win his feud with Refa. Sure enough, Cotto was captured by Refa's men and had his mind scanned. Because Cotto believed this was the truth, Refa headed straight for Narn to personally apprehend G'Kar and be the one credited with the capture.

"If you are seeing this, very soon you will be dead."
Mollari arranged for him to be betrayed, and had G'Kar play a message from Mollari detailing the plant. Refa was killed by the Narns in the trap and evidence was planted which implicated him with the Narn Resistance. Mollari had the evidence "recovered" and gave it personally to the envoy, saying Refa's ultimate plan was to ascend the throne himself. With this information, Refa's entire House crumbled, increasing Mollari's power and influence greatly. Cotto, however, was angry over being used.[41]
As 2260 drew to a close, Mollari received official word from the Royal Court that he was being promoted to a position within the Court itself, as Minister of Planetary Security. Mollari was actually depressed at the news. Drinking heavily, he explained to Cotto that he believed he was not getting the position because he deserved it, but rather because enemies at the Court feared him and wanted to keep him close so they could keep an eye on him. After he informed Cotto of this, Mollari was warned by one of Morden's associates that if he valued his life, he should leave the station immediately.[42]
Emissary of Gods[]
- "He is insane. Great Maker forgive us all, he is mad!"
- – Mollari, about Emperor Cartagia
Returning to Centauri Prime, Mollari met Emperor Cartagia for the first time since the young Centauri ascended the throne. At first Cartagia came off as merely foppish and eccentric, but no serious threat. That evening, Mollari was shocked to find Morden waiting for him in his quarters--not so much that Morden was there, but that he had been horribly mutilated, with most of his skin having been seared off. Morden accepted his current state stoically, explaining that the Shadows would heal him soon. He had already sent word explaining to Mollari that Captain John Sheridan had detonated two thermonuclear devices on Z'ha'dum, an "incident" that had temporarily thrown the Shadows into chaos. He then explains that Cartagia has agreed to give a small piece of the planet to the Shadows. When Mollari insisted Cartagia could never have done this without the Centaurum's approval, Morden explained the resolution was passed quietly--and none of the fourteen who opposed it have been seen since. He left for a time, telling Mollari that everything was coming to a head.

"What did they give you?"
The following day, Mollari was asked to step out into the Sand Gardens, a desert garden in the Royal Palace. Standing in the garden, he looked up and was dismayed to see hundreds (perhaps thousands) of Shadow vessels fly overhead: the first part of his dream. Going into the courtroom, he accosted Cartagia on what he had done. The Emperor explained he had given sanctuary to the Shadows on the island of Selini in exchange for their promise to turn him into a god. Mollari backed away at a loss for words after Cartagia's ravings, aware at last of how mad the emperor was. Milo Virini, at this time serving as the Minister of Protocol, told Mollari the rumor that Cartagia had taken to decapitating his enemies and talking to their heads late at night (Mollari would later discover the rumor true when the Emperor introduced him to his "shadow cabinet").

"I need a friend, Vir, and I need a patriot. You are both."
Mollari promptly contacted Cotto, insisting he come to Centauri Prime immediately. Once Cotto arrived, Mollari explained the depths of the Emperor's madness and how they had to stop him. He also confided in Cotto that he was the only person he could truly trust, and his only real friend. Cotto agreed to help him do what was necessary.[43]
A few days later, while Mollari and Cotto quietly tried to figure out a plan, G'Kar was captured by Centauri agents and brought before the Emperor in chains. Cartagia offered him as a "gift" to Mollari, though a gift he planned to make the most use out of. Mollari thanked Cartagia for his "gift", but hours later, he visited G'Kar in his cell, explaining that he actually had no wish to see G'Kar brutally tortured and killed the way he surely would be. He asked for G'Kar's help in removing Cartagia. Recognizing just how desperate Mollari was, G'Kar replied that he would only help on the condition his homeworld would be freed. Mollari agreed to the condition, and left G'Kar.[44]

"There is a monster on the throne..."
Despite presenting G'Kar as a "gift" to Mollari, Cartagia insisted on torturing and humiliating G'Kar for his own amusement--but quickly became frustrated when G'Kar refused to scream or beg or even whimper. He warned Mollari that G'Kar would be killed if he refused to scream. Mollari went to G'Kar's cell again, begging him to swallow his pride and scream. G'Kar told Mollari it was the one thing he could not do. Mollari pointed out that if G'Kar didn't, there would be no hope for his people.

Mollari and Cotto are forced to watch as Cartagia has G'Kar tortured
Cartagia later invited Mollari and Cotto for his latest torture of G'Kar. He has the Narn chained to a post while a guard lashes him with a special flail (the Electro-whip) designed to increase the pain with each stroke (with 40 being enough to kill him). Mollari was forced to watch as G'Kar endured 39 lashes before screaming loudly (sacrificing his pride to save his home world), delighting Cartagia at last.[45]
A few days later, Morden informed Cartagia and Mollari that the Vorlons had begun destroying every planet that has a trace of Shadow influence. Mollari pointed out that there were several hundred Shadow ships on Selini, but Morden said he did not believe the Vorlons would destroy a planet of that size, with that many people. Mollari then spoke with Cartagia alone to try and persuade him to send the Shadows away. Cartagia admitted he believed the Vorlons would destroy the planet. He showed Mollari his collection of severed heads, explaining how they "spoke" to him. He said it would be better for his people to all die rather than live without him when he became a god, so it was better to let the Vorlons turn the planet into his ascension pyre.
Mollari immediately contacted Captain Sheridan, seemingly returned from the dead (and Z'ha'dum) to ask how much time they had before the Vorlons could reach Centauri Prime. Sheridan theorized they had one week exactly, just enough time for Mollari to work out his plan. He then convinced Cartagia that once he was a god and all the Centauri dead, no one would remember him. He suggested going to Narn to hold the execution of G'Kar, and to show the Narn his magnificence so they would sing his praises after his ascension. Cartagia agreed and made the arrangements for an immediate departure.[46] Immediately prior to leaving, Mollari found Cartagia standing in a hallway with a chained G'Kar. The emperor mentioned that he didn't like the way G'Kar was looking at him. He thought he should do something about it and asked for advice. Mollari failed to notice the connection to Lady Morella's prophecy that he must "save the eye that does not see," and told the emperor that he could do whatever he liked about the situation, departing afterwards.

"By the end of this day, either Cartagia is dead, or Centauri Prime is dead."
Once on Narn, Mollari drew a handful of other Centauri nobles into his plot, insisting that the only way to save the homeworld would be for Cartagia to die. The others agreed and he set the final phase of his plan in motion. He had Cotto acquire a poisonous weapon that he would use against Cartagia (although he was a little alarmed when Cotto explained the poison was supposed to work "almost" instantaneously). He then visited G'Kar in his cell, and was shocked to discover the Emperor had had the Narn's left eye plucked out because he failed to speak up. G'Kar commented that he could "see" things more clearly now, and that Mollari's heart was empty. Mollari brushed aside this comment and explained what would happen next. G'Kar would be paraded before the Emperor and a collection of Narn leaders before his "trial." Mollari told him that his chains had been weakened; he needed only break them and create a commotion long enough for Mollari to deliver the strike.

"You can burn... burn with all of them!"
During the show-trial, despite the fact that Cartagia had the chains replaced at the last minute, G'Kar snapped them, creating a disturbance that allowed Mollari to spirit the emperor from the throne room. As Mollari prepared to strike, he became impatient with a babbling Cartagia and ordered him to "keep quiet." In response, Cartagia went mad with rage and attacked Mollari, causing him to drop his weapon and putting him into a position where he could no longer carry out his plot. Cotto arrived just in time, recovering the poisonous instrument from where Mollari dropped it, and killing the Emperor.[47]
Prime Minister[]
- "There is much to be done back home."
- – Mollari

"We are yours to command, Prime Minister."
Mollari managed to pull off his story that the Emperor "collapsed," his hearts giving out. He was then selected by what was left of the Royal Court to take the position of Prime Minister. Mollari convinced the Royal Court (and the Centaurum) that their first act should be to leave Narn, stating it was a cursed place not worth the trouble. He also rallied the Centauri behind him in agreeing they must do what they could to remove the Shadows from their homeworld before it was too late. As he prepared to leave, Mollari sought out Cotto, who was overwhelmed with guilt over what he had done. Mollari tried to console him, stressing that Cotto did what was necessary to save the lives of everyone on Centauri Prime. All the remaining Centauri, including Mollari and Cotto, departed soon afterwards for their homeworld.[47]

"Sorry, I wasn't thinking. Felt very natural though."
Upon returning to the Royal Palace, he ordered all of Cartagia's attendants and servants removed from the palace, fearful one might try to harm him. He quickly met with several other ministers and set his final plan in motion. Just after this meeting, the Minister of Intelligence met with him privately, explaining that he was charged by Cartagia to learn the truth of how Tyree was murdered. The Minister explained that Cartagia did not want him to disclose the information to Mollari, but he had learned that Morden was the one responsible. Mollari was thrown into a rage, overwhelmed with anger and grief over being used by Morden.
Not long after, he had Morden, totally healed now, dragged before him, the guards firing and killing the invisible Shadows ever at Morden's side. Mollari offered Morden one last chance for the Shadows to withdraw, but Morden refused. Seeing no other choice, Mollari detonated three fusion bombs he had planted on the island of Selini, wiping out all the Shadow vessels with it. He then ordered Morden's execution, afterwards placing his head on a pike in the royal gardens and presenting it to Cotto as a gift. Mollari then contacted the Vorlons to tell them that all Shadow influence had been destroyed.

"Not for me. They wouldn't do it just to get me!"
Despite Mollari destroying the Shadow fleet on the island of Selini and killing Mr. Morden, Cotto pointed out that there was still one thing left "touched" by the Shadows--Mollari himself. Even as he pointed this out, a Vorlon planetkiller eclipses the sun. Mollari pleaded with Cotto to kill him, but thanks to the events at Battle of Coriana VI, the Vorlons left Centauri Prime unscathed.
Knowing he had made a few enemies and aware Cartagia might still have had a few loyal assassins lurking about, Mollari decided it might do him some good to return to Babylon 5 shortly. He left Centauri Prime in the care of Milo Virini, who had been appointed Regent until a new Emperor could be decided on.[48]
Laying New Foundations[]
Mollari returned to the station in a happy mood, partaking in the general revelry that had come as a result of the War being over and the Shadows being gone for good. However, not everyone was happy to see him back, and it did not take long for him to encounter G'Kar, who now had been given an artificial seeing eye by Franklin. G'Kar coldly told him that now that Narn was free Mollari "did not exist" for him.[49]
G'Kar could not so easily avoid Mollari completely, however. A month or two after the War was over, Captain Sheridan invited both men to a meeting. He explained about a few recent raids by a mysterious race called the Drakh. Mollari admitted he had heard of them, but thought they were only a legend. Sheridan wanted to keep all the races cooperating and working together and asked G'Kar and Mollari to allow the Rangers to patrol their respective borders with the White Star fleet. Mollari was reluctant at first, citing that it could be a blow to Centauri pride to allow it (especially given they were not necessary) but soon agreed in the interests of peace.[50]
Just a few days later, however, Sheridan met with Mollari privately and asked him to deny all knowledge that the White Stars have been invited to do their patrols along Centauri space. Mollari was confused--Sheridan still wanted the ships in place, but did not want Mollari to talk about it (even deny it happened). He did as asked anyway, denying everything to several League representatives when they called upon him in his quarters. This had the effect of making the League ambassadors believe Sheridan and Mollari had knowledge of a new threat they did not want to share. The League members promptly insisted the Rangers begin to patrol their own borders as well.[51]
In September, 2261, Sheridan called for an emergency session of the Council and the League to discuss the status of the Earth Alliance Civil War. With President Clark completely out of control, Sheridan and his allies had decided to strike back and liberate their home. Sheridan asks the Centauri, Narn, and all the other races that had mutual defense treaties with Earth to suspend them for the duration of the civil war. All present unanimously agreed.
Mollari decided to go a step further. He met with a frosty G'Kar in his quarters. Mollari belatedly thanked the Narn for his help in saving Centauri Prime, even though it was to save his own world, and even admitted to a newfound respect for him. Although G'Kar coldly brushed the sentiments aside, Mollari undeterred candidly told his one time enemy that he no longer wished to be trapped in the same old cycle. He wanted to build something better. Recalling the drink G'Kar bought him just before the Narn-Centauri War, Mollari offered the Narn a drink and proposed that they shift from a neutral party to rendering more active assistance to Sheridan starting with a joint statement of support from their respective governments. G'Kar said nothing, and poured the drink back into Mollari's flask, making Mollari leave very disappointed. Later however, G'Kar changed his mind and met Mollari in the Zocalo, sharing a drink after all. He agreed to Mollari's proposal--but insisted his name not be on the same page as Mollari's when it was signed.[52]
It took a few weeks to make all the necessary preparations. Just before they were ready, Sheridan was captured by President Clark's forces. Mollari called together the League and gave an impassioned speech, calling humans the "glue that holds the races together," and pointing out that Sheridan risked everything to help all the other races during the Shadow War. Mollari purposefully left Delenn out of the deliberations, wanting to protect her from accusations she was forming a coalition because of her personal relationship with him. He, G'Kar and Vir let her know just as it was being finalized. Sheridan would have all the support he could need. Delenn was both stunned and grateful.[53]
Living History[]
Soon enough, Sheridan was rescued and not long after his forces were victorious in the Earth Alliance Civil War. Mollari, Cotto, G'Kar, and others prepared to head to Earth. Mollari found that he and G'Kar had inched closer to actually being friends. Just before they departed, Cotto informed Mollari of a message from Centauri Prime: the Regent had fallen ill and was not expected to live out the coming year. What was more, the Royal Court had decided that Mollari would succeed him as Emperor of the Centauri Republic.
While en route to Earth, Delenn laid out the proposals that herself, Sheridan, and others had been working on all year--the groundwork for the Interstellar Alliance. Though he couldn't stop laughing, believing that the proposal would never go anywhere, he agreed to help Delenn with her efforts. Surprisingly, Delenn's plan worked and at a press conference on Earth she announced the formation of the new Interstellar Alliance. She, Mollari, and G'Kar explained the details to Acting President Susanna Luchenko. The three of them would make up the Advisory Board while John Sheridan himself would act as the first President. Afterwards, Mollari and the others were part of the wedding ceremony for Sheridan and Delenn aboard a White Star that took them all back to Babylon 5. During the trip home, Mollari and G'Kar enjoyed a drink together. Mollari asked G'Kar how it felt to "make history," to which G'Kar replied that "you cannot hope to make history, only to survive it".[54]
Stephen Franklin and Michael Garibaldi both arrived back on the station before Sheridan and the rest and decided to surprise the newly-weds by throwing them a party. Mollari was surprised at how happy an occasion it is, remarking that wedding ceremonies among the Centauri were solemn, sober occasions, feeling that to celebrate would be to invite disaster.[55]
Alliances of Light and Dark[]
Births and Rebirths[]
Mollari remained on Babylon 5 to attend Sheridan's inauguration as President of the Interstellar Alliance. Although an assassin attempted to murder Sheridan before he could be sworn in, he was thwarted and the swearing-in was carried out. At this same time, Captain Elizabeth Lochley took over command of Babylon 5 and Michael Garibaldi was appointed by Sheridan as head of Covert Intelligence for the Alliance.[56]
A short time later, Mollari was angered to learn that his shipment of drinks had been temporarily impounded. After complaining of the situation to Cotto and Security Chief Zack Allan, Mollari attempted to steal a drink from one of the bottles of brivauri and suddenly collapsed. At first, it was suspected the bottle Mollari drank from was poisoned, but it turned out he was struck by a severe heart attack of his left heart. At the brink of death, Mollari experienced a series of dreams where Sheridan, Delenn, Cotto and others appeared to him. They all told him that he had the power to save himself, but to do so he must allow a confrontation with a dream version of G'Kar. Mollari tried to refuse at first, but deciding he really did want to live he allowed the confrontation.
The dream G'Kar (who described himself as potentially a piece of G'Kar's mind left behind when the Narn scanned him using dust, or possibly just a delusion, or perhaps the manifestation of Mollari's own conscience) confronted Mollari about his involvement with the Narn-Centauri War. After forcing Mollari to reenact G'Kar's torture with the electro-whip (with Mollari in G'Kar's place, and dream G'Kar dressed as Cartagia), he then insisted Mollari had to apologize if he wanted to live. Mollari eventually broke down in tears, apologizing profusely for the first time in his life. Even as he did so in the dream, he awakened in Medlab and seeing the real G'Kar watching him, waiting for him to die, he tearfully apologized many times. G'Kar was visibly moved by this though he said nothing.
While recovering in Medlab and complaining about the food, Mollari discussed with Cotto about a piece of Centauri folklore he had only recently learned. Cotto knew the story well, having heard it since childhood. The story went that certain Centauri spirits, great and important ones, would sometimes be born into the bodies of persons who were complete and abject monsters, prompting the spirit to try and leave the body. If the person survived, they were forever changed. Mollari contemplated the story, and wondered if the dream he had had for so long about his death would indeed yet come true.[6]
After this, Mollari and G'Kar grew closer, despite their outward sparring. For example, while they continued to serve on the Advisory Board for the new Alliance with Sheridan and Delenn, Mollari tried to advise G'Kar on writing the new Declaration of Principles.[57]. When the two were forced to take shelter together while Babylon 5 was repelling an attack from an unknown alien force, they shared some intimate details about their respective childhoods.[58] But as the Centauri regent grew increasingly ill, Mollari reflected on his imminent promotion to emperor, and the fact that this would mean the end of his tenure on Babylon 5. Unable to leave the station due to an accident that has blocked the main docking bay, Mollari escaped an assassination attempt when a Centauri Primus class battlecruiser bound for Centauri Prime that he was scheduled to board exploded as it was leaving. In the wake of this, Delenn became concerned with Mollari's well-being and tasked G'Kar with serving as the Centauri's bodyguard, a job he was somewhat reluctant to take up, until he realized that he would be able to stand around and make other Centauri extremely uncomfortable in their own royal court. Mollari accepted this situation even though he believed it would bring trouble in the future.[59]
Fractured Alliances[]
During the Brakiri Day of the Dead, Mollari was briefly reunited with his murdered true love Adira Tyree.[60] Mollari traveled to Centauri Prime with G'Kar as Sheridan and Delenn learned of a series of mysterious attacks being conducted against ships belonging to the races of the Interstellar Alliance. There, Mollari learned from his old friend Lord Jano that Regent Milo Virini had been acting very strangely, and that there were secretive activities being conducted by Centauri ships. Lord Jano was killed shortly afterwards, presumably for revealing this information to Mollari. On his way to visit the regent, Mollari was attacked and separated from G'Kar. Lord Vole cornered him alone and attempted to assassinate him with a thrown knife but he was saved by a mysterious telepathic Drakh agent, who killed Vole with his own knife and then disappeared. Mollari finally met with Virini who cryptically told him that "they" wanted him to ignore the mysterious activities Centauri ships were engaged in and that he should enjoy himself, because he had "so little time."[61]
As the mysterious attacks continued, suspicion grew and the Alliance members started accusing each other. Back on Centauri Prime, Mollari wondered why Centauri defense spending had increased 15% since the end of the war. G'Kar questioned Mollari as to why fresh spoo - which can only be eaten by Narn - was being sent to an apparently unused portion of the palace. Upon investigation, they discovered that Na'Toth has been imprisoned there since the end of the Narn-Centauri War on the orders of the late Cartagia, orders which Mollari, though he was the Prime Minister, was helpless to countermand until he actually became emperor. They conspired to sneak Na'Toth off Centauri Prime by dressing her up as a Centauri woman and covering her head with a veil. They then took her with them on a transport ship en route to Babylon 5, pausing only to transfer her to a Narn ship which took her back to her home world where she could heal spiritually and physically.[62]
When the pair returned to Babylon 5, Mollari looked on in bemusement at seeing G'Kar being hailed as a religious icon by an adoring crowd of Narns as a result of the "Book of G'Kar" being published (without his consent) during his absence. Mollari was at first flattered when G'Kar admitted to referring to him in the book, until he learned it was under the colloquial name of "Na'Tak Burella", which translated as "Prideful Wind Catcher".[63]
Some of the Alliance races began to suspect the Centauri were behind the attacks and the Advisory Board sans Mollari acquired some evidence that would seem to support this conclusion. The Board knew that Mollari was not involved but they concealed the evidence from him for his own protection. Mollari appointed Cotto to be Ambassador to Babylon 5 and mentioned to the Advisory Board that someone attempted to plant a bug in his quarters, while strongly implying that the Drazi Ambassador was responsible.[64]
Lennier acquired proof that the Centauri were behind the attacks, and the Alliance races were called to a closed council session that excluded Mollari.[65] While in consultation with his government liaison, Mollari privately admitted that he believed the evidence. This was due in no small part to the great respect that he had for Lennier, and he stated that he felt Lennier was forthright and trustworthy. When Mollari was finally brought in front of the council to rebut the evidence against the Centauri, he claimed it is completely circumstantial and after communicating with Centauri Prime withdrew from the Interstellar Alliance and left Babylon 5, G'Kar tagging along again as his bodyguard. Shortly afterwards the Centauri attempted to break the blockade of Centauri space imposed by the Alliance, precipitating hostilities and prompting the Alliance to declare war. Back on Centauri Prime, because G'Kar was a Narn and a member of the Alliance, he was placed under arrest. When Mollari tried to intervene, he was imprisoned along with G'Kar on the orders of the regent.[66]
Emperor Mollari II[]

Emperor Mollari, 2278
As hostilities between the Alliance and the Centauri escalated, Mollari dreamed he was abducted from his cell by a Drakh agent and subjected to a bizarre medical procedure. Mollari was allowed out of his cell and attempted to convince the ministers to oppose the regent's orders in order to stop the war. The defense minister insisted that the fleet was acting completely defensively.
While a combined Narn and Drazi fleet secretly approached Centauri Prime, Mollari found the Regent waiting in his quarters and learned that Virini ordered away the defensive fleet and shut down the planetary defense grid, having been ordered to do so by the mysterious "them" who seemed to be responsible for causing the conflict.[67]
The Narn and Drazi fleet emerged from hyperspace and devastated Centauri Prime. Mollari rescued G'Kar from the cells, then found the Regent and confronted him. At this point, Shiv'kala the Drakh agent revealed himself to Mollari. In order to conceal the involvement of the Drakh, Shiv'kala killed Virini and informed Mollari that he would take his place as the new Emperor of the Centauri Republic, then he would surrender to the Alliance forces and blame the whole conflict on the late regent. Mollari was forced to accept a Drakh Keeper and agree to their demands in order to prevent the Drakh from destroying the Centauri home world by detonating the fusion bombs they had planted across the surface. His first official act as Emperor (as planned by the Drakh) was to sever all ties between the Centauri Republic and the Alliance, after agreeing under protest to make war reparations which would further weaken the economy. He then arranged for Cotto to go back to Babylon 5 to serve as Ambassador to get him safely out of the Drakh's reach, and made a sad private farewell to Sheridan, Delenn, and G'Kar, who finally forgave Mollari for all the wrongs done to him and his people.[68]
That night, after a private coronation ceremony, Mollari decided that he could not possibly live like this as the Drakh's puppet and determined to end his life at the earliest opportunity. First though, he decided to see the devastation first-hand, and taking only a small escort led by Durla, the Palace's Captain of the Guard, he took a walk in the streets of the capital. As he surveyed the damage, Mollari was suddenly struck on the head by a missile thrown by a figure hiding in the rubble. His bodyguards immediately gave chase and apprehended the assailant, who as Mollari discovered as he caught up with them was a young girl, none other than Senna Refa, the daughter of Lord Refa.
Senna had been made homeless when her home was destroyed and her mother Celes was killed during the bombardment. She had since been taken in by a family of common Centauri, who had managed to rig a meager shack in the ruins of the capital. Mollari, admiring the young girl's spirit and feeling a degree of responsibility for the daughter of the man he had killed, offered her a place at the palace with the promise he would see to the needs of the poor family. Senna refused at first, but when the family turned her out into the rain for ruining their chance at escaping the gutter, she went to the palace to see if the offer was still open. Mollari took her in and she became his ward.[69]
When Sheridan and Delenn traveled to Minbar to take up residence at the headquarters of the Interstellar Alliance, Mollari met them there and at dinner gave them a gift for their child, namely a ceremonial urn he said should be opened by him on his sixteenth birthday. Delenn almost sensed the presence of Mollari's keeper, but was distracted before she could press the matter. Little did she and Sheridan suspect that Mollari actually had been forced to give them the urn by the Drakh who had a dormant keeper hidden in there to eventually take possession of the couple's son. Afterwards, as Mollari was returning back to Centauri Prime, the Drakh "rewarded" him for his "co-operation" by giving him freedom for an hour.[70]
By the Banks of the Tuwain[]
The Long Night of Centauri Prime[]
Shiv'kala instructed Londo to appoint Dural as Minister of Internal Security, using Senna's presence in the palace as leverage. Londo arranged a number of tutors for Senna, including Telis Elaris, a proponent of freedom of speech. Not long after, however, Telis was killed when his printing house was destroyed in an explosion. Dural claimed Telis was an Alliance agent and was killed when an incendiary device he was working on exploded. Londo supported Dural in front of Senna, but warned Durla he would be removed if the evidence was fake. Shiv'kala warned Londo that Dural was the Drakh's appointment, since he was the sort of man who would serve their purpose without even knowing it. As punishment, he had Londo sit on his throne alone, seeing and speaking to no-one, for as long as the Drakh commanded.
Londo invited Vir to Centauri Prime and, in oblique terms, tipped him off to the fact that Rem Lanas, a Centauri who had been implanted with a keeper, was going to assassinate Sheridan. As a result, the attempt failed. Shiv'kala used the keeper to cause Londo extreme pain as punishment. Londo caught Senna reading his journal and his rage scared her enough for her to flee the palace. Londa eventually ordered Castig Lione, the chanceller of the espionage agency euphemistically known as the "Department of Public Works", to search for her. He also questioned Dural about an archeological expedition he had sponsored at the Rim, despite the Drakh telling him to leave it alone. Londo ended up personally venturing into the poorest part of the city to retrieve Senna, who he quickly realised had read nothing of importance and convinced he was working in the best interest of Centauri.
Senna convinced Timov to come to court and take up the post of empress. Londo assumed she would not last long, but in fact she stayed for two years. When Vir visited, Londo revelled in a rare opportunity to spend an evening with two people he actually liked. However, he quickly sobered up when Vir asked him about Shiv'kala, knocking Vir unconscious and imprisoning him in a dungeon. When Timov tried to seduce him, he feared she would notice his keeper so had Dural accuse her of treason. After accusing her of planning to assassinate him, Londo offered Timov the option of exile, not allowed within a hundred miles of the palace, over execution, which she accepted. Londo released Vir, saying it had been a misunderstanding, but advised him not to look any further into the matters he had mentioned, and also reminded him of the prophecy about their fates. Vir replied that he would always be Londo's friend, even if that meant becoming his enemy, which Londo accepted.[69]
Armies of Light and Dark[]
Out of the Darkness[]
In December 2278, on his last night alive, an aging Emperor Londo Mollari was brooding alone in his throne room with much of Centauri Prime again in fire and ruins, the result of him having provoked the Drakh to set off some of their fusion bombs in the mistaken belief that an underground resistance movement disabled them all. He was temporarily relieved from his guilt-ridden solitude by the accidental intrusion of two children, Lucco and Lyssa Deradi, a nephew and niece of his old friend Urza Jaddo, and Senna, who was serving as their governess. After assuring his uneasy visitors he intended no harm to them, Mollari on a whim invited Lucco to wear the Imperial seal and be the Emperor for five minutes, offering to grant any one request he made. The boy asked for a story with battles, and his sister asked for a true one. Mollari obliged them both by telling them the story of the Earth-Minbari First Contact and of the Earth-Minbari War that resulted, including his own tragic part in it. Afterwards, Mollari took back the seal and dismissed the children and Senna, to whom he expressed his regrets over his wasted life. He then checked on Sheridan and Delenn whom he had imprisoned on orders of the Drakh, and proceeded to drink himself into a state of inebriation to put his Keeper to sleep and set a final plan to redeem himself into motion. During this time, he dictated to Cotto much of his life's story, particularly his Babylon 5 years, with instructions on completing the book knowing he would never live to see it published.[30][71][72]
Mollari had always remembered the dream he had had of his death, with his hands around the throat of G'Kar. After revealing the truth of his situation to Sheridan and Delenn, and allowing them to escape from the Centauri Palace on the condition they help to free his people, he faced G'Kar. Far from showing fear, he referred to G'Kar as his "old friend" and specifically asked the Narn to strangle him, tired of his life and desperate to prevent the sleeping Keeper from awakening and stopping Sheridan and Delenn. G'Kar complied and began to choke Mollari, but the Keeper awoke in a panic and forced the emperor to stand up and strangle the Narn in return. Ultimately, the Keeper's efforts were futile, and Mollari and G'Kar died together. Vir Cotto found their bodies and sadly picked up the Imperial seal which had fallen from Mollari's neck during the struggle, taking the first step in fulfilling his own destiny as the next Centauri Emperor.[73]

Mollari surrenders to his greatest fear, finally redeemed.
Following the sacrifice of Mollari and G'Kar, two large gold statues were built to the two men at the gates of the capital city at Emperor Cotto's order. These large statues were positioned so that the two men were watching each other's backs.[74]
A short time after Mollari's death, Cotto had a dream in which he and Mollari were sitting on a beach. In this dream Mollari gave his former protege two pieces of advice. The first was to always watch for shadows, and that "sometimes when one is not watching they watch back". The other piece of advice he gave to Cotto was to make love every day.[75]
In 2280, Vir saw to it that a book of Londo's stories and his life - The Chronicles Of Londo Mollari - Diplomat, Emperor, Martyr, and Self-described Fool - was published. A large portion of the tale focused on the years he spent on Babylon 5.
In 2281, John Sheridan invited Cotto, Franklin, Garibaldi and Ivanova to join him and Delenn one last time before his death. When they toasted to the memory of departed friends, Cotto named Mollari.[76]
Some years later, the book written about him became the basis of an ISN documentary called Babylon 5, telling a five-year story about the eponymous station surrounding the events of the Second Shadow War. The story heavily features the development and redemption of Londo Mollari, showcasing his rise in both power and infamy through the Centauri Republic, all the way to the imperial throne.
- Mollari's age is difficult to assess. In Terry Jones' Historical Database, published in Across Time and Space: The Chronologies of Babylon 5, he conjectures that Mollari was born in 2201. Mollari was part of the Couro Prido dueling society with Urza Jaddo. Jones speculates that he joined in 2217 when he came of age at sixteen.[77] Mollari also mentions multiple times that in his youth, the Centauri Republic was in a far more powerful state than it was when he first came to Babylon 5. He speaks of being a young fighter pilot in military campaigns in the Beta system and a raid on Frallis XII. In "Soul Mates," set in 2259, he celebrates the thirtieth anniversary of his Day of Ascension, an event that Jones believes signifies his ascension to the head of House Mollari in 2229 following his father's death.
- According to Peter David, who wrote "Soul Mates," Mollari corresponds to "War," following the "four horsemen of the Apocalypse" analogy used by Mollari to describe his wives in "The War Prayer." With Timov ("Famine"), Daggair ("Pestilence"), and Mariel ("Death"), Mollari himself completes the set as "War."
- Mollari's accent (and by extension those of Antono Refa, Senna Refa, and Urza Jaddo) is characteristic of Centauri Prime's northern province and is generally indicative of the "old school" of court nobility.[78][79]
Main Characters (Babylon 5) | ||||
Commander Jeffrey Sinclair • Captain/President John Sheridan • Lt. Commander/Commander Susan Ivanova • Security Chief Michael Garibaldi • Ambassador Delenn • Dr. Stephen Franklin • Talia Winters • Lennier • Marcus Cole • Captain Elizabeth Lochley • Vir Cotto • Lieutenant Warren Keffer • Na'Toth • Security Chief Zack Allan • Lyta Alexander • Ambassador/Citizen G'Kar • Ambassador Londo Mollari |