The Babylon Project

The Moradi are a humanoid species.[1]


The Moradi are extremely xenophobic, believing that even verbal contact with other races is unclean.


The Moradi central government decided in 2267 that all literature, music, and cultural items not devoted towards science and military expansion were to be entirely destroyed from society's consciousness due to their decadent, subversive, indecent nature. The government seized all private assets and destroyed all art, music, literature.

Natchok Var was able to save one final copy of all their society's musical and literary accomplishments. He smuggled this information off his homeworld, and set out to find someone worthy of giving this information to. He was captured on Praxis IX, a world outside the Interstellar Alliance's jurisdiction, but was rescued by Captain Matthew Gideon and Dureena Nafeel.

He was later killed by his own people, but not before giving the crew of the Excalibur the data crystals that contained all his planet's cultural information. Var's hope was that one day his race would see the error in their ways and seek this information once again.

